Saturday, February 20, 2016

Step 2 - The Continued Blog Process

As I continue along my plan of 12 posts in 2016, let me present to you post #2 (or otherwise titled: Horrible Blogger Sighting #2).

The world has not changed that much...actually that's wrong.  The world itself has probably changed significantly since my last post.  Let me small part in this world has not changed that much since my last post.

I've seen a few movies, I've read a few books and my overall life, just continued to be work, sleep and spending time with the family (my favorite part).

When it comes to the month of February 2016, the only movie that everyone is really talking about is of course, Zoolander 2...haha..just fooling (though oddly I want to see that one).  Nope, I'm talking about DEADPOOL!!!!  It's awesome!  I've already seen it twice in less then a week (which for me is a lot).  I highly recommend it to anyone over the age of 16 (no children please, unless you truly believe they can handle the violence, nudity and a rated R movie folks).  It hilarious, action packed, and very much worth time the masses waited for it.

In 2016, I've sent myself a reading goal of 36 books (between actual reading and audio).  In 2015, set a goal of 24 books and ended with close to 75 at the end.  Not to go crazy, I just settles for 36 this year.  Though already I've read 10 books and the month isn't over yet.  At this rate, I'll hit over 60....but we'll see.

I did finish "The Lunar Chronicles" by Marissa Meyer and they were awesome!  A series of 4 books (Cinder, Scarlet, Cress & Winter), it's a futuristic take on some old fashioned tales.  Though a young adult series (the lead characters are in their late teens), it's good for adults too.  I gave all 4 books, 5 stars on Goodreads (I think that means something on the Internet...but I don't know).

First - took the wonderful wife to see the funny and magical, Justin Willman (he's a comedian and magician folks, don't think to weirdly).  He was as enjoyable as I would have hope and the wife and I had a blast.  If you get a chance to see him live, do so, otherwise get you keister on YouTube and check him out.

Second - I have been toying again with the idea of participating in a full (or maybe 1/2) marathon.  Years ago, I had the idea (with help from the wife) to run in a Zombie 5K event.  I started running in the morning (to early to be awake) and "trained" for the event.  It got cancelled.  Moved to another event in close proximity.  That got cancelled too.  After 2 cancelations, interest got lost.  Now the interest is peaking again.  A coworker (actually a few of them) will be participating in the 2016 Nationwide Children's Hospital Columbus Marathon, and I think I may try and join them.  It will be some work, but I think I'm up for the challenge.  It's definitely a bucket list item to check off!

Anyway, I've got some thoughts to mill over, but that's my brain droppings for now.